1. Friday of week 1 in Ordinary Time

    Mark 2:1-12

    Today we have the story of one of Jesus' healing miracles. A paralysed man is healed, not just by his own faith, but also because of the faith of his friends.

    The paralysed man cannot, no matter how strong his faith might be, get himself into Jesus' …

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  2. 12th day of Christmas 2023

    John 1:43-51

    There is so much in this passage, that I can only begin to cover it. Like so much of John it needs deep reflection.

    Today we see Jesus gathering two more disciples.

    The first, Phillip, Jesus calls directly, staying "Follow me" to him.

    Phillip follows and is …

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  3. 5th day of Christmas 2023

    Luke 2:22-35

    Today we have a glimpse into Jesus' childhood, very appropriate for the Christmas season.

    Jesus comes from a devout Jewish family and they go to the temple to fulfil their obligations under the law of Moses.

    The offering of two turtledoves shows that they are a poor …

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  4. 3rd Friday of Advent 2023

    A slight change of format here. It's been an embarrassingly long time since I recorded any SOAP here (It's been a bit random and mostly done on paper), but one of the things I am doing is preparing reflection as part of my training.

    Here is the one for the …

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