12th day of Christmas 2023

John 1:43-51

There is so much in this passage, that I can only begin to cover it. Like so much of John it needs deep reflection.

Today we see Jesus gathering two more disciples.

The first, Phillip, Jesus calls directly, staying "Follow me" to him.

Phillip follows and is so impressed that he in turn invites Nathan to come and meet the one that Moses wrote about in the law, the one the prophets wrote about.

This description is another way of saying what Andrew did in yesterday's gospel - we have found the messiah!

Nathaniel is sceptical - can anything good come from small town Nazareth - it would be like claiming to have found the messiah in Hall.

Jesus though quickly convinces Nathaniel - showing that he knows Nathaniel's character and has knowledge of him that he can't have from merely human ability. One possible meaning of having seen Nathaniel under the fig tree is that he knows that Nathaniel was searching for God already. Rabbis were often depicted as studying under the shade of the fig tree.

Whatever the meaning, Nathaniel is clearly convinced, but Jesus promises that he will see greater things yet, ending with a reference to Jacob's dream. The same Jacob that was renamed Israel, but who was definitely capable of deceit - famously tricking his brother Esau.

So, for us, what are we to take away? Jesus us knows us. Few of us could claim to be incapable of deceit but Jesus still calls us. If we can recognise Jesus for who he is, we too will see great things. Heaven will be laid open for us if we can just accept Him and respond to his call.

