Friday of week 1 in Ordinary Time

Mark 2:1-12

Today we have the story of one of Jesus' healing miracles. A paralysed man is healed, not just by his own faith, but also because of the faith of his friends.

The paralysed man cannot, no matter how strong his faith might be, get himself into Jesus' healing presence. The crowds are to large and his disability is too great.

His friends, though go to great lengths to bring him to Jesus. Carrying him to where Jesus is and when they cannot approach closely enough climbing to the roof, lifting their friend and cutting a hole to lower him through.

Their faith is great enough that Jesus cures the paralysed man at least partially in response to it.

I can see myself as the paralysed man in the story, unable to approach Jesus relying on my own faith and needing the help of friends to receive God and be brought into his presence.

I hope I can be like his friends, able to help others when for whatever reason something prevents them from coming to Jesus by themselves.

We are a community of faith, sisters and brothers on the same journey. None of us can do this by ourselves, all of us will need to be carried sometimes, and at other times we will need to help carry others.

Whichever it is Jesus must be the goal of our journey. Let's not be discouraged by the obstacles in our way, but rather let's help each other to come into Jesus' presence.

