5th day of Christmas 2023

Luke 2:22-35

Today we have a glimpse into Jesus' childhood, very appropriate for the Christmas season.

Jesus comes from a devout Jewish family and they go to the temple to fulfil their obligations under the law of Moses.

The offering of two turtledoves shows that they are a poor family, but no less valuable to God for that.

Simeon is also a devout Jew, open to God and promised that he would see the messiah. Simeon is so open to God that he is able to recognise the messiah in the baby of a poor Jewish family. Many of the people who encounter Jesus will be unable to see as clearly, and many today will also struggle to recognise Jesus as he truly is, because they place their own idea of who God should be in place of who he is.

Simeon also points out two things - Jesus is the messiah not just for the Jews, but for all the world. Simeon mentions the pagans, before Israel, emphasising the universality of his mission.

Secondly, Jesus ministry will bring turmoil. Falling and rising, rejection and a sword to piece his mother's heart.

I think this sword represents not just the coming passion, but that Mary surrenders her son to God, watching him live a difficult life.

Despite this Simeons prophecy is joyous, and he sees the fulfilment of his life. He has met the messiah and held him in his arms, and his life is now complete.

The challenge for us then is to also recognise Jesus and take him into our hearts, to be able to see the fulfilment of our lives in dwelling in the peace and joy of his love.

