1. Tuesday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time 2022

    Scripture Mark 1:21-28

    ‘Here is a teaching that is new’ they said ‘and with authority behind it: he gives orders even to unclean spirits and they obey him.’


    The difference between Jesus and other teachers is that He is God's word made flesh. When he speaks he speaks …

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  2. Monday of the 1st Week of Ordinary Time 2022

    Scripture Psalm 115(116) v 16

    O Lord, I am your servant;

    I am your servant, the child of your serving-maid

    You have loosed my bonds


    I aim to be God's servant, but I struggle to be free of all my other attachments.


    Let go of the things …

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  3. The Baptism of the Lord 2022

    Scripture Psalm 103(104) v30

    When you send forth your spirit, they are created;

    and you renew the face of the ground.


    Everything from moment to moment exists because God wills it to by sending forth His Spirit. Without it nothing would be.


    Live in the awareness of …

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  4. Saturday after Epiphany Sunday 2022

    Scripture Psalm 149 v4

    For the Lord takes pleasure in his people;

    he adorns the humble with victory.


    The gospel ends with John the Baptist saying 'He must grow greater, I must grow smaller.', but this doesn't mean that God wants us to diminish ourselves. If we allow Christ …

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  5. Friday after Epiphany Sunday 2022

    Scripture Luke 5:12

    'Sir,' he said 'if you want to, you can cure me'.


    A very humble prayer,not asking anything of Jesus, but placing himself completely in his hands. Of course Jesus wanted to just as he want to cure all of us.


    Can I trust …

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