Friday of week 9 in Ordinary Time

Mark 12:28-34

This is the last of a series of question the religious authorities ask Jesus. All of them he answers with authority.

This question is much less combative than the others, the scribe seems toibe genuinely seeking an answer tather than trying to trick Jesus.

Jesus responds positively to the question, but rather than a single commandment he gives two. The first from Deuteronomy and the second from Leviticus, both found in the Hebrew scriptures.

First, to hear of and response to God and then to reflect that love in our relationship with others.

To know God is to know love, to know the love of God is to love others. We cannot love others if we do not love ourselves. In loving others we should treat them as we would wish to be treated. With respect, with compassion and with care.

The scribe praises the answer and goes further to say that this, the love of God, ourselves and others is what is truly important to God. Not burnt offerings or sacrifice, but love.

This is the core of Christianity - to know and love God and to share that love with the people in our lives. But, it is not a new teaching. Jesus is reinforcing an existing teaching, not coming up with a new one.

Paul repeats this commandment to love your neighbour as yourself in three of his letters.

We inherit this teaching from the christian church, just as the church inherits it from Israel.

It isn't any easier to live up to today than it was then, but we have Jesus to show us the way and if we truly want to follow him and enter the Kingdom of God, this is what he is still calling us to do.

