Friday of week 7 in Ordinary Time

Matthew 5:20-26

As Christians we are called to go beyond just following the rules like the scribes and the pharisees. Being a christian is about relationship with God and with our sisters and brothers.

We must try to be in loving relationships with all the people we encounter, whether they are friendly, or kind or loving or not. No matter what, we are called to love our fellow humans.

Christ gives us this example on the cross - praying for the very people who are torturing him to death by crucifixion - "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing".

I struggle with my relationship with my own brother. He is angry with me, so if I was to read this passage literally I should not be here now. But God doesn't want us to cut off from Him either. So I pray for my brother and I reach out to him in the hope of reconciliation, but when that is refused I still turn to God, and I continue to come to Mass. Always aware of the broken relationship, always hoping for healing, and always open to doing as God commands here.

So, if there are people in your life that you have wronged, as I have wronged my brother, do try for reconciliation, pray for them, seek their forgiveness, but don't let failure to reconcile after a genuine attempt keep you away from God.

I pray that all of us who have a broken relationship may have an opportunity to heal it this Lenten season, may we all, especially me, approach with humbleness, contrition and love so that we may be reconciled with anybody we have wronged.

