Friday of week 5 in Ordinary Time

Mark 7:31-37

Jesus heals a deaf man who can barely speak, by opening him to God. It happens in a Gentile place, emphasising that God's blessings are not just for the Jewish people but for all. It is a private healing, and very physical, but it is also spiritual. The man healed can now participate in religious life, hearing scripture and praying aloud.

In the same way Jesus opens us to God - by listening to him, by being touched by him we too are opened to God, able to hear God, cured of our spiritual deafness.

Opened to speak of God through our knowledge of Jesus. While our words are never enough to fully describe God we are much better able to tell others about God because we know Jesus and what he has revealed to us through his teaching.

Unlike the witnesses to this healing we are no longer told to keep Jesus mission and power secret, but instead to worship him. God has sent forth his spirit and commissioned all of us to proclaim the Good News.

As we approach the beginning of Lent, let us allow ouselves to be opened by Jesus, to hear what God is saying to us and to in turn tell our families, our friends and those we encounter about God. It is our mission to witness to God and his love of us. Let us embrace it - be opened!

