Friday of week 2 in Ordinary Time

Mark 2:1-12

Jesus chooses his 12 apostles. Jesus chooses them. They accepted the invitation, but it was Jesus' choice.

Jesus knew each of the people he chose personally, well enough to give many of them new names, reflecting what he knew of them. Solid Peter, James and John who seem to have been noisy and energetic, Zealous Simon.

Having chosen them he equips them to fulfill the mission they have been chosen for. To proclaim the message and to cast out demons.

The apostles are special, chosen from among many more disciples, but Jesus calls all of us to spread the good news and he gives us what we need to do it.

We can proclaim the good news in many ways, some by preaching, but all of us can also spread the good news just by the way we live our lives.

Being chosen by Jesus isn't enough though, we need to respond to the call and we need to say yes to Jesus over and over.

Judas was chosen by Jesus and accepted the calling but at some point he stopped saying yes to Jesus and today we remember him not for how he followed Jesus but for how he turned against him and betrayed him.

Let us pray that we will hear Jesus call, and respond to Him and keep following him all our lives.

