Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time 2022

Scripture Mark 2:23-28

And he said to them, ‘The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; the Son of Man is master even of the sabbath.’


Again Jesus stakes His claim to be God, because only God is the master of the sabbath. He also makes clear that the law is not an end in itself, but exists for the benefit of humanity.

This doesn't mean that we can just ignore the law of God, but it does mean that it isn't the highest good. As long as we apply the law in ways that benefit people it is good, but if we use it to harm or oppress people we are sinning.


The laws of God are important to me, but I must always remember they are not meant to be a weapon to use against people, but a tool to help them.


Heavenly Father, help me to follow your precepts, but always in a spirit of love, using them to make myself a servant of those I meet and not using them to oppress. Amen

