SOAP for 1 Jan 2022 (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God)


When the eighth day came and the child was to be circumcised, they gave him the name Jesus, the name the angel had given him before his conception.


Jesus / Joshua / Yeshua is a common jewish name in 1st century Palestine. It means Yah (God) saves.

Isaiah (and Mark) expect Jesus to be named Emmanuel (God is with us) but Luke has the Gabriel telling Joseph and Mary to name him Jesus.

Jesus is God with us, but he is also the God who saves and the common name fits in with Jesus humble birth - born to a carpenter not a king, in an obscure town in an obscure province of the Roman Empire. Good seems to be makin a point about the importance of all people no matter how insignificant they seem.


Don't get too excited by what the world thinks is important. Instead remember that God chose to become man in the humblest way. Every human being is important to God. The poorest and weakest of as as much as the richest and strongest. We all matter, but those who suffer most deserve our help even more than those living comfortable lives (few though there are of those).


Lord, help me to see people as you do. Every one of us made in your image and loved by you with a love that surpasses human understanding. Help me to bring that love to everyone I encounter.

