Saturday of the 4th Week of Ordinary Time 2022, Saint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr

Scripture Mark 6:34

He took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he set himself to teach them at some length


Despite having intended a quiet time of prayer Jesus responds to the needs of the crowd. Even though time to pray is important, the needs of people are even more important.


Wanting to be involved in ministry means giving time to other people. There is a balance to be had though and I can't let ministry overwhelm the rest of my life. Time to rest and for family must also be found. But, sometimes the needs of other people do need to be put first. How do I balance these?


Lord, give me your grace so that I have the strength to do what I must for other people, but also the wisdom to know when it is time to find a quiet place and rest so that I do not exhaust myself or neglect my family. Amen

Extra reflection

A second reflection because the online SOAP group chose to reflect on the readings for St Agatha's memorial.


if anyone wants to boast, let him boast about the Lord.


I was definitely not wise, influential or from a noble family and yet God has chosen to welcome me into his family, which is more important than any of my achievements.


What I have, what I am and what I achieve is a gift from God. Remembering this should keep me humble and stop me from feeling superior or proud.


Lord, help me to remember that my greatest boast is to allow you to work through me, to humble myself and conform myself to your will. Use me as you need to and keep me from getting in the way because of my own pride.

