Feast of St Antony, Abbot

Scripture 1 Samuel 15:16-23

‘Is the pleasure of the Lord in holocausts and sacrifices

or in obedience to the voice of the Lord?

Yes, obedience is better than sacrifice,

submissiveness better than the fat of rams.

Rebellion is a sin of sorcery,

presumption a crime of teraphim.

‘Since you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.’


It is not enough to know what God wants, we must actually do what he wants.


God is ever loving and always willing to forgive, but we must do our part. If we do not try to do what God wants, if we are not even aware of how we fail to do the right thing then how can God forgive us? How can we enter into God's love if we do not follow his commandments.


Lord, I know that I will fail to always live by your commandments and that you will love and forgive me regardless, but please help me try to live as closely conformed to your wishes for me as possible. In Jesus name, amen

